Dear Diary, )Tuesday, July 6, 1:21pm 1988(
I know it's kinda stupid to write the date and time and stuff. But what if one day I actually get out of this hell hole and marry some rich doctor who can buy me anything I want and give me all love and attention. I become the worlds most famous dancer untill the day I die..and one day someone finds my diary. It'll be worth alot someday I'm telling you. Unfortunatly, the day won't be anytime soon. Ray came home this evening. Luckily he and mom went to Jakes and will probably get waisted untill 3-4 in the morning. I can just sneak out untill 6 when Ray leaves for work, if he even goes. Today Jagger kissed me...I know, uh oh. I mean it didn't mean anything. I know Bren liked him and I can't do that to her. Plus I am going out with Joe. Please don't remind me. I mean he is sweet and all but when Jagger kissed me, It was like something I've never felt. But then again, Jagger is practically obsessed with me. Anyhow, Robin Scorpio is staying the night with me tonight. Just got off the phone with her. Sure she's 2 years younger but she's really sweet. Hopefully, that and the booze will keep Ray in his room and outta mine. I like hanging out with Robin. She's so nice. She is helplessly inlove with Stone, I am trying my hardest to hook them up. But Stone thinks she's a little girls. For heavens sake she is a year behind him. But everyone knows Stone likes 9th and 10th graders who find him 'cute' as in adorable. But oh no Stone has to take it to the head and ask them out, in which they start laughing. I feel sorry for the boy sometimes. Anyways I have to go, someones at the door.
Love Karen.